Complementarian Ministry in Australia and New Zealand

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Veronica Hoyt


This article presents the findings of a qualitative research study that investigates relationships between theology and practice in women’s ministry in reformed evangelical churches in Australia and NZ that hold to a complementarian model of ministry. More specifically, it seeks to answer whether there is sufficient clarity and consistency between the theology of complementarianism and its practice in vocational women's ministry in these churches, in order to better understand the conditions that allow women to flourish in ministry.

Key findings of this research point to systemic issues in complementarian practice, and the need for a correction in women’s ministry in reformed evangelical churches across Australia and NZ, so that it is clearly and consistently theologically driven. Despite increased opportunities over the past forty years for women to serve in these churches, there continues to be a lack of clarity and consistency to how complementarianism is applied in ways that are faithful to its theology and sensitive towards female practitioners in this space.


Article Details

How to Cite
Hoyt, Veronica. “Complementarian Ministry in Australia and New Zealand”. Reformed Theological Review 81, no. 1 (April 1, 2022): 61–85. Accessed December 4, 2024.
Author Biography

Veronica Hoyt, Queensland Theological College

Pastoral worker, Cornerstone Church, Christchurch
City: Christchurch, New Zealand
PhD (English)


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