The Shape of Πίστις in 1 Corinthians: How Faith Receives, Boasts, and Discerns

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Bradley J. Bitner


This article considers the contribution of 1 Corinthians to debates about the nature of πίστις in Paul. In conversation with studies of 1 Corinthians that argue for relational, participatory, and communal constructions of πίστις, this article engages in a close exegesis of key passages of the epistle to highlight receiving, boasting, and discerning as important and salient features of faith.

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How to Cite
Bitner, Bradley J. “The Shape of Πίστις in 1 Corinthians: How Faith Receives, Boasts, and Discerns”. Reformed Theological Review 82, no. 3 (December 1, 2023): 181–211. Accessed February 7, 2025.


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