An Economy of Faith or Grace? Considering an Argumentative Thread in Theresa Morgan’s Roman Faith and Christian Faith

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David E. Briones


This article will engage a single argumentative thread within Theresa Morgan’s seminal work, Roman Faith and Christian Faith, in which she constructs a theological relational pattern, created and sustained by faith, which she labels an ‘economy of pistis’. After critically evaluating her work as a whole, especially her definition and construal of faith as an economy, it will be argued that an economy of grace better captures Paul’s vision for the church, as that which creates and sustains her. This will also have implications for her more recent work, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: ‘This Rich Trust’.

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How to Cite
Briones, David E. “An Economy of Faith or Grace? Considering an Argumentative Thread in Theresa Morgan’s Roman Faith and Christian Faith”. Reformed Theological Review 82, no. 3 (December 1, 2023): 212–236. Accessed April 29, 2024.


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